IELTS Program
IELTS Program

在Concordia语言中心,我们为每一个学生都量身定制了专属课程。不管是在学习英语的过程中, 在英语环境中生活,还是进入英语国家的高中或大学,我们都适应学生的需要,做出改变。 我们的课程是围绕着我们坚定的信念发展起来的,即真正的教育可以提升语言的各个方面, 包括英语的听说读写等。而我们的这一目标,使得那些想去英语国家学习的学生看到了希望。

IETLS program is an intensive language certificate course that extends to the periods according to the student's English proficiency. It will prepare students for the IELTS exam through strategic focusing of improving reading, writing, listening, and speaking according to the standard of IELTS test examinations.

学生必须要知道雅思的考试方法和如何在考试中获得高分。Concordia语言中心不仅为学生提供了雅思考试技巧和指导, 还提供了支持所有英语能力测试基础的实际英语技能。

Student must learn the IELTS format and its usage to score higher in the test. CLC provides students not only with tips and guidance to understanding IELTS test format, but also the actual English skills that supports the foundation of all English proficiency tests.

Course Outline

Parts Question Format Time
Part 1 Introduction & Interview
Short introduction, personal hobby, questions and answers about personal hobbies.
4~5 Mins
Part 2 Long Turn
Presentation according to the related topic cars, Q&A about the presentation.
3~4 Mins
Part 3 Discussion
Open discussion about the given topics(Organizational skills, Comprehension skills, and Responsive skills practice).
4~5 Mins

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